In case of any inclement weather during any soccer match, the decision to suspend a game lies solely with the Referee or the Facility in charge of the Fields. Teams may not decide to suspend the game and leave prematurely. The Referee will solely rely on the MSYSA and GVSA policies. If a game is terminated because of weather and one half of the game has been completed, the game will be considered complete and the score at the time of the suspension will be recorded as the final result. If one half of the game has not been completed and the game is terminated, the game will be rescheduled and replayed.
At any AYSO United West Michigan events such as Practice Sessions, Camps or Technical Trainings, Team get togethers, or friendly scrimmages the delay or cancellation decision will be made by the Club Director or Director of Coaching. If they are not located at the event or reachable, the responsibility lies with the Head Coach or any AYSO United Board Member in attendance. In no way is any event allowed to continue if inclement weather is in the area such as, but not limited to, lighting or thunderstorms.